Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fishing on the Indian River

I don't have any fish pictures for this post but we did have fun last night catching them. We caught a grooper, a snapper and a catfish. When Jim released the catfish, it stung him and boy did it hurt. We soaked his hand and put on all sorts of hopeful remedies, by 1 am he said it was finally feeling better.

We lit a fire lastnight and roasted some marshmellows, it's Thursday and the ne-see-'ems are still in full force. Unless the wind is blowing with a little bit of strength they lite on you and boy do they bite. Unless we are at the ocean beach where the wind always blows, there is no relief unless we are indoors. So far this is the only downer here. It would also have been great to have a boat or our kayacks. Oh well, now we know.

We were planning on driving to TN, IN and IL on our treck across country, but with all of the tornadoes and the flooding going on in the Midwestern part of our great country, we have decided to take I10 and drive towards New Mexico and then towards Oregon from there. That's the update for now.


Belinda and Lily Kai said...

OMG - cant wait to get eaten alive with you this weekend

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having a great time before the "takeoff" - Lily looks like she is having tons of fun. Happy Birthday Sue!