Sunday, October 28, 2007

Mike and Jim

Mike and Jim are just relaxing while we are waiting for Tonya to arrive. This restuarant was Irish themed and had so much stuff hanging from the ceiling that you couldn't take it all in. We watched many yachts go by in the river, some of them being towed and getting to their spot for the boat show that was this week-end in Ft Lauderdale. Mike had to move his boat during the week into his spot. It's a really fun and hectic week, the boat show, but once you have been there more than twice you really don't want to endure it again. There are so many people walking around, the food is expensive and the weather is really hot. So, I don't feel bad missing it this year.

Picture of us in front of the restuarant

Last Sunday and met up with Sandy and Mike. We had lunch at a really fun outside eatery along the New River on the Riverwalk. There we got to meet Luke for the first time and really enjoyed visiting with him. He is from South Africa and is a Motor Yacht Captain. He and Sandy are dating and they really do make a cute couple. Tonya, the one in blue is Luke's chief stewerdes. She and Sandy have been friends for a long time, we have not seen her in about 2 years and it was really great catching up. She just finished a race up in Pompano Beach, there, she ran, swam and rode a bike. She finished and said it was a great race.

Monday, October 15, 2007


There really is very little going on right now. I wish I could post some really cool things but sorry, I can't at the moment. Jim was really sick with the flu last week, thank goodness he is feeling better now. He didn't eat for 3 whole days, I can't imagine. Anyway, the bug is out of him and he is a happy camper.

We will now go and get our flu shots, something we have not done for 3 years. So, it's about time to get it done.

You can check out Belinda and Lily's blog and Karen's blog over on the right side, they always have neat things posted.

Until later.